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Visiting St Teresa’s Church and Maryknoll Convent School

By Yoyo Shin On 5th July 2023, I joined a pilgrimage through which I was able to enrich my knowledge of the architectural features of Hong Kong Catholic churches and learn more about a religious Catholic all-girls school. The visit began with St. Teresa’s Church. As we walked in, we noticed an eclectic mixture of both Western and traditional Chinese architectural styles. We were in awe of the sculptures of Mary and Jesus which emulated that atmosphere of faith, love and truth. The staff members were also kind to share their knowledge of the bible, which deepened our understanding of Catholicism. Our next destination for the day was Maryknoll Convent School. We were excited to join their annual fun fair and find out more about their unique activities. When we arrived at their beautiful school campus, we felt like we were no longer in Hong Kong but in a high school overseas with a sprawling campus surrounded by trees but in the middle of a city. Not only was the environment pleasant, but the students also were enthusiastic and hospitable. We certainly broadened our horizons. Getting out and about can certainly give us experiences of the world that would last a lifetime.

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By 2P Edith Hui Before the Feast Day Mass, our pastoral helper, Mr. Mak, asked me if I could help out as an altar server. There was some hesitation as I had not been a server for some time and was afraid that I would have forgotten some of the important steps. But then, I recalled what the tutor of Sunday School told me – do not be afraid of making mistakes because the most important thing is having a serving heart. I then decided it was my duty to serve.
Things did not go as expected. When we, altar servers, were having the rehearsal, we faced some challenges such as not knowing how to pass the microphone to Father, not knowing what others would do next, etc. However, after discussions with one another, we solved most of the problems.
Things did not go perfectly and there is room to improve but on the whole, we found the experience memorable as we all worked together to serve God. The experience has certainly developed my resilience as I learned not to give up easily in spite of difficulties.
For more photos, please click here.

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Staff Development Session Workshop for the Art of Tea

The Art of Tea: A Journey into Chinese Culture In the afternoon of June 19, 2023, teachers of Shung Tak gathered in the School Hall for a workshop on the art of tea. Hosted by Tea Together (藝茶薈), an organization dedicated to preserving and sharing the traditions of Chinese tea culture, the workshop promised to be an informative and relaxing experience. Ms. Chong Sin Hang Jamie, the instructor of Tea Together, first introduced the history and significance of tea in Chinese culture. She explained that tea had been an integral part of Chinese life for thousands of years, and that the preparation and serving of tea was considered an art form in its own right. Through her engaging presentation, teachers gained a deeper appreciation for the cultural significance of tea. Next, Ms. Chong and her team demonstrated proper techniques for brewing tea. She showed the participants how to select the right tea leaves, measure them, and steep them in hot water. She also explained the importance of water temperature and brewing time in achieving the perfect cup of tea. After the demonstration, teachers had the opportunity to try brewing tea. Under Ms. Chong and other tutors’ guidance, teachers carefully lifted the plate of tea leaves, placed them in the cup and poured the hot water over them. As they waited for the tea to steep, Ms. Chong taught them about the proper etiquette for serving and enjoying tea. She explained the importance of using the right teaware, and how to hold and sip the tea in a respectful and appreciative manner. As the participants sipped their tea and enjoyed the relaxing atmosphere, they discussed the various flavors and aromas of the different teas they had tried. They also exchanged stories and insights about Chinese culture, creating a sense of community and connection among the group. In conclusion, the workshop on the art of tea was a wonderful experience for all involved. The participants gained a deeper understanding of Chinese culture and traditions, and had the opportunity to try their hand at a time-honored art form. By the end of the workshop, they had not only learned about tea, but had also formed new connections and friendships. The workshop was a testament to the power of tea to bring people together and to help us appreciate the beauty and richness of the world around us.

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Shung Tak Concert 2023

By 3J Lavin Wan

Spotlight, drumroll, Shung Tak Concert, finally on live on 2nd June 2023.

The school hall came alive with the sound of music as students took to the stage to showcase their musical talents at the Annual School Concert, which was a culmination of months of hard work and dedication by students and music teachers alike. It did not disappoint.

The Concert featured a wide range of musical styles, from classical orchestra pieces to contemporary pop songs. Performers also enjoyed playing different musical instruments and singing on stage, fully engrossed in their music; as were the audience swinging to the beats.  

Interactions between the MCs, teachers and schoolmates were humorous and playful, adding to the atmosphere during the transitions. It was a unique and memorable live music experience for all Shungtakians and teachers.

The Concert aimed to ignite the interest of students in music, be self-motivated to learn new things in music, and learn about different kinds of music from different countries and cultures around the world.

The concert wasn’t just about showcasing musical talents; it was also a platform for students to express their creativity and a celebration of the school’s commitment to providing students with a well-rounded education.

Music can unlock our God-given talents so  let’s continue making music!

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HKBU CIE English Public Speaking Workshop

English Public Speaking Workshop 4M Marcus Kong, Yoshi Law On 30th May, a group of S4 students made our way to HKBIU CIE to attend an entertaining and informative public speaking training programme. The aim was to hone our public speaking skills so we could be more effective communicators. What did we expect When we first heard of this training programme, we were expecting a very serious lecture with strict teachers. Turns out, we were completely wrong. This programme was not at all what we expected it to be. The Lecture The workshop was separated into 2 parts. For the first 35 minutes, we listened to a professor on the skills of presentation and becoming a better public speaker. The tip of the 3 C’s stands out in our mind — that of connection, confidence, and clarity. We need to make our presence known through establishing a connection with the audience. Having confidence and being clear come with the right mindset and skillset and these would give you the power to delivering an impactful speech. A good first impression, a confident entrance with good posture and a smile goes a long way. Remember it only takes 7 seconds for people to form an impression of you. Public speaking is not just about spoken words. In fact, it’s way more than that. Public speaking also involves our body language and tone. This made us realize that during public speaking, we need to care about a lot of things like our appearance, the control over our voice, and even how to give a great first impression to attract people to listen to what we say. The workshop shared fun facts about public speaking and important life skills, in an entertaining and simple way. We got to practice our English-speaking skills in a light-hearted way. Putting what we learnt into practice The second part of this programme was the practice session, which lasted 30 minutes. We went to a smaller classroom with students from other schools along with another professor who mainly taught us about the importance of ‘pause’ and ‘stress’. As we practised together as we read a script, we got to really put what we had just learned into action. Also, a fun session for us. Our Impression A great learning experience. We took away with us many useful skills for public speaking and we also experienced what it was like to be a student of a university. Definitely an entertaining and informative experience. An afternoon well spent.

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Inter house Cooking Competition

As the end of the academic year rolls to an end, what better way to end than with a cooking competition bringing together the four houses of St. Patrick, St. Peter, St. James, and St John? The culinary arts are a great way to showcase each house’s cooking and teamwork skills and the 29th May is when we had that treat of seeing the houses come together. The competition involved teams of four members from each house working together to cook a main dish (Southeast Asian) and a Chinese style dessert using only locally sourced ingredients. The teams had an hour and a half to prepare their meal and dessert, with judges from the school’s faculty including the Principal and five other teachers assessing each dish based on presentation, taste, and creativity. The teams worked collaboratively to ensure that their dish was prepared on time and to the highest standard. The competition offered a great opportunity for students to showcase their teamwork and culinary skills, as well as enhance their language and presentation skills as they had to introduce their dishes and desserts to the adjudicating team. Truly a yummy way to end the year!

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Junior Singing Contest 2023

By 3M Daniel Tham

The Junior Singing Contest, held 12th May, showcased junior students’ talents — finally a chance to be on stage and perform live.

The theme of the year, ‘My Way’, gave classes the opportunity to choose their own song or even produce a medley to tell a story about the friendships that abound in their classes.  The contest saw classes coming together to work as a team in a musical setting. Students, even those not familiar with performing arts in the beginning, got the chance to ignite their imagination and creativity as they cooperated to devise their original show.

Famous singer and artist from Macau, Mr Roberto Madan, (馬檇鏗), adjudicated the contest and was also a performing guest. Song filled the Hall with his two recently released songs ‘Eyes On Me’ and “青春快門”.

Also on board for adjudication were two student-teachers, Ms KK Chan and Ms CN Chan who were themselves experienced as Shungtakians performers with plentiful music experiences and unforgettable memories serving as Chairperson of the Music Club and as a core member of the A capella Team.

Confucius says “Music produces a kind of pleasure which human nature cannot do without”, so let the music continue to play in our hearts, until next year when new musical memories would be made. 

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Learning all about Stained Glass

By Haidee Lai On the 10th and 11th May 2023, my participation in a two-day glass painting workshop organised by the Catholic Society in the Prayer Room at lunchtime, was an eye-opening activity and one that I am so glad that I decided to be part of. During the workshop, we first were given a glass pane. Then we were asked to choose a pattern to draw on it. We had to draw the outline of our chosen pattern with a black paint outliner. It required a lot of patience because we needed to be very exact as we drew the outline. It had to be perfectly precise. That is not all —- we also needed to leave it to dry overnight. Another 12 hours of waiting. The next day, it was dry and we were ready to move on to the next step. We picked the colours of paint we wanted and with those colours we had to fill in the outline. As I was spreading the paint around, I had to use a toothpick to pop bubbles in the paint and my hands got so sticky! But that was also the fun part of the workshop. The music that we listened to as we worked also added to the wonderful ambience of the workshop. This was a meaningful activity as I learnt something new and I could make a glass painting for my mom as a Mother’s Day gift, a reason why the workshop was organised which is to give us a task from the heart and a way to also remember our Blessed Mother, Mother Mary. Making stained glass would certainly be one of the memories to be treasured from my secondary school life. The look on my mom’s face when I gave her my creation from the heart makes it even more memorable.

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Flag-hoisting ceremony at the Golden Bauhinia Square

By 4L Raymond Liu On 4th May 2023, the marching band of our school was in the spotlight as we were given the chance to be participants of the flag-hoisting ceremony at the Golden Bauhinia Square. The ceremony was a significant event marking the 104th anniversary of the May Fourth Movement. Band members arrived early in the morning, dressed in their crisp uniforms with instruments in hand. There was a strong sense of pride, patriotism and excitement as they awaited their showtime. The Ceremony began with a parade with the band playing a rousing rendition of ‘Ode to the Motherland’. which echoed throughout the square. The students’ performance was flawless, and their dedication and hard work were evident in every note they played. The Ceremony and being representatives have given us all a great sense of pride as we showed our love of country and school. We will cherish the memories of this day for years to come as it was a once-in-a-lifetime experience. Lessons of patriotism, hard work, and dedication were what band members returned to our school with. We have all a renewed sense of pride and a deeper appreciation for our country and its rich history.

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