HomeSchool LifeAcademicThe CurriculumSubjects of STCMathematics



Mathematics is a core subject that is a powerful means of helping students acquire the ability to communicate, explore, reason logically, and solve problems using a variety of methods. The overall aims are to develop in students:

  1. the ability to conceptualise, inquire and reason mathematically, and to formulate and solve problems in mathematical contexts and other disciplines;
  2. the ability to communicate with others and express their views clearly and logically in mathematical language;
  3. the ability to manipulate numbers, symbols and other mathematical objects;
  4. the number sense, symbol sense, spatial sense, measurement sense, and the capacity to appreciate structures and patterns;
  5. a positive attitude towards mathematics learning and an appreciation of the aesthetic, nature, and cultural aspects of mathematics.


Knowledge Domain

To equip children with the ability to understand and grasp the knowledge of the following:

  1. directed numbers and the real number system;
  1. using algebraic symbols to describe relations among quantities and number patterns;
  2. equations, inequalities, identities, formulas, and functions;
  3. measures for simple 2-D and 3-D figures;
  4. intuitive, deductive, and analytic approaches to studying geometric figures;
  5. trigonometric ratios and functions;
  6. statistical methods and statistical measures; and,
  7. the simple ideas of probability and laws of probability.

Skill Domain

To develop the following skills and capabilities in:

  1. basic computations in real numbers and symbols and an ability to judge reasonableness of results;
  2. using mathematical language to communicate ideas;
  3. reasoning mathematically, i.e. to conjecture, test, and build arguments about the validity of a proposition;
  4. applying mathematical knowledge to solve a variety of problems;
  5. handling data and generating information;
  6. number sense and spatial sense;
  7. using technology appropriately to learn and do mathematics;

Attitude Domain

To foster the attitudes to:

  1. be interested in learning mathematics;
  2. be confident in their abilities to do mathematics;
  3. willingly apply mathematical knowledge;
  4. appreciate that mathematics is a dynamic field with its roots in some other cultures;
  5. appreciate the precise and aesthetic aspect of mathematics;
  6. appreciate the role of mathematics in human affairs;
  7. be willing to persist in solving problems;
  8. be willing to work cooperatively with people and to value the contribution of others.


  • Students will understand mathematical knowledge and concepts.
  • Students will acquire various mathematical skills and tools for further studies in mathematics or related areas.
  • Students will be capable of using mathematics to solve problems, reason and communicate.
  • Students will gain more confidence in dealing with mathematics needed in life.
  • Students will develop their interest in and positive attitudes towards mathematics learning.


S1Chapter 1      Basic Computation
Chapter 2      Direct Numbers
Chapter 3      Basic Algebra
Chapter 4      Linear Equations in One Unknown
Chapter 5      Basic Geometry
Chapter 6      Mensuration (I)
Chapter 7      Percentages
Chapter 8      Polynomials
Chapter 9      Introduction to Rectangular Coordinate System
Chapter 10     Angles and Parallel Lines
Chapter 11     Congruent Triangles
Chapter 12     Approximate Values and Numerical Estimation
Chapter 13     Statistical Charts
S2Chapter 1      Identities and Factorization
Chapter 2      Rates, Ratios and Proportions
Chapter 3      Algebraic Fractions and Formulae
Chapter 4      Linear Equations in Two Unknowns
Chapter 5      Similar Triangles
Chapter 6      Angles Related to Polygons
Chapter 7      Pythagoras’ Theorem and Irrational Numbers
Chapter 8      Mensuration (II)
Chapter 9      Errors in Measurement
Chapter 10     Trigonometry
Chapter 11     More about Statistical Charts
S3Chapter 1        Laws of Integral Indices
Chapter 2        More about Percentages
Chapter 3        More about Factorization
Chapter 4        Quadrilaterals
Chapter 5        Coordinate Geometry
Chapter 6        Linear Inequalities in One Unknown
Chapter 7        More about Trigonometry
Chapter 8        Centres of Triangles
Chapter 9        Mensuration (III)
Chapter 10      Measures of Central Tendency
Chapter 11      Probability
S4Chapter 1        Quadratic Equations in One Unknown (I)
Chapter 2        Quadratic Equations in One Unknown (II)
Chapter 3        Functions and Graphs
Chapter 4        Equations of Straight Lines
Chapter 5        More about Polynomials
Chapter 6        Exponential Functions
Chapter 7        Logarithmic Functions
Chapter 8        More about Equations
Chapter 9        Variations
Chapter 10     More about Trigonometry
S5Chapter 1      Basic Properties of Circles
Chapter 2      Tangents to Circles
Chapter 3      Inequalities
Chapter 4      Linear Programming
Chapter 5      Applications of Trigonometry in 2-dimensional Problems
Chapter 6      Applications of Trigonometry in 3-dimensional Problems
Chapter 7      Equations of Circles
Chapter 8      Locus
Chapter 9      Measures of Dispersion
Chapter 10     Permutation and Combination
Chapter 11     More about Probability
S6  Chapter 1      Arithmetic and Geometric Sequences
Chapter 2      Summation of Arithmetic and Geometric Sequences
Chapter 3      More about Graphs of Functions
Chapter 4      Uses and Abuses of Statistics

Further Applications
   – Topics 2 Instalment Payment,
   – Exploring and Interpreting Graphs (notes)

Past Papers and Mock Practices
Chapter 1        Binomial Expansion
Chapter 2        Exponential and Logarithmic Functions
Chapter 3        Limits and Derivatives
Chapter 4        Differentiation
Chapter 5        Applications of Differentiation Chapter 6        Indefinite Integration and Its Applications
Chapter 7        Definite Integration and Its Applications
Chapter 8        Further Probability
Chapter 9        Probability Distributions, Expectation and Variance
Chapter 10      Discrete Probability Distributions Chapter 11      Continuous Random Variables and Normal Distribution
Chapter 12      Sampling Distribution and Parameter Estimation   Past Papers and Mock Practices
Chapter 1    Mathematical Induction
Chapter 2        Binomial Theorem
Chapter 3        Trigonometry (I)
Chapter 4        Trigonometry (II)
Chapter 5        Limits and the Number e
Chapter 6        Differentiation
Chapter 7        Applications of Differentiation
Chapter 8   Indefinite Integration and Its Applications
Chapter 9        Definite Integration
Chapter 10      Applications of Definite Integration Chapter 11      Matrices and Determinants
Chapter 12      Systems of Linear Equations
Chapter 13      Introduction to Vectors Chapter 14      Scalar Products and Vector Products Past Papers and Mock Practices


To test students:

  1. knowledge on mathematical facts, concepts, skills, and principles;
  2. familiarity with and use of mathematical symbols;
  3. ability to use appropriate mathematical techniques for solving a variety of problems; and
  4. ability to communicate ideas and to present arguments mathematically.


Internal Assessment

1.  Continuous Assessment

Uniform Test – There are Uniform Tests for classes in the same level (S1 to S5) throughout the school year. Two Uniform Tests are arranged for the junior form and four Uniform Tests are arranged for the senior form. No MC questions are set in the papers.

  • For S1 to S3, the results of the two Uniform Tests contribute to part of the total mark of the Interim and Final Exams. The Uniform Test in Term 1 contributes 10% of the total mark of the Interim Exam and it is similar to Term 2.
  • For S4 and S5, the results of the Uniform Tests contribute 20% of the term result, as there are no Organised Tests. For modules, class test results make up 20% of the term result.

2.  Organised Tests and Examinations

FormOrg. TestInterim ExamFinal / Mock Exam
S1 & S21 hr1 hr1 hr1.25 hrs1 hr
S31 hr1.25 hrs1 hr1.5 hrs1 hr
___1.5 hrs
1.5 hrs
1 hr
2 hrs
2 hrs
1 hr
___1.5 hrs
1.5 hrs
1 hr
2 hrs
2 hrs
1 hr
_________2.25 hrs
2.5 hrs
1.25 hr

There are no Organised Tests for S4 to S6.
For S1 to S3 Organised Tests, maths papers contain both conventional and MC questions. In the 1-hour paper, there should be 16 MC questions with a score total of 40 marks. The total score of conventional questions is 60 marks. The full mark of each paper is 100.

For S1 to S3 Maths exam:

Full mark: 200
Paper I: 60%  &  Paper II: 40%
The total mark of S1 – S3 Paper I is 120
The total mark of S1 – S3 Paper II is 80 (40 MCQ)

For S4 to S6 Maths exam:

Full mark: 200
Paper I: 65%  &  Paper II: 35%
The total mark of Paper I is 100
The total mark of S4 & S5 Paper II is 80 (40 MCQ)
The total mark of S6 Paper II is 90 (45 MCQ)

For Modules: Full mark is 100.

Public Assessment (HKDSE)

Compulsory PartPaper 1 Conventional questions
Paper 2 M.C. questions
2.25 hours
1.25 hours
Module 1
(Calculus and Statistics)
Conventional questions100%2.5 hours
Module 2
(Algebra and Calculus)
Conventional questions100%2.5 hours
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