At Shung Tak, not only do we pride ourselves on the academic excellence and whole person development of our students, we also value our relationships with the community through which students can contribute to the society.
While Shungtakians can apply their knowledge and demonstrate the good virtues of love and care in a range of scenarios, those we serve can also benefit in many ways. Contact us for possible collaboration projects.
STC Community
Thank you for your interest in our school, Shung Tak Catholic English College, a Catholic secondary school in the area of Yuen Long, Hong Kong. Our two pillars are being a ‘Catholic’ school and offering a top-notch English environment. We are the first school in Yuen Long to offer an education in English.
Our school’s motto is ‘Ora et Labora’ or ‘Pray and Work’, the St Benedictine principle which we adhere to. At STC, we have supportive and caring teachers who work together to help each child achieve value-added academic performance, and a well-balanced character and value systems compatible with Catholicism.
We provide an environment where we encourage each and every child to reach his or her full potential. We look forward to working with committed parents who are important as the child’s first teachers. We want our parents to take an active role in supporting us as we provide the best education for their child, and to understand that the school offers a rigorous curriculum as most of our graduates are prepared to pursue higher education.
We welcome applications for our discretionary places in Secondary One which are open in January every year. We believe parents choosing us to educate their child will be making one of the best decisions for their child.
All Write Now!
At STC, working with our community is a key part of our Catholic education. We continue to promote this as one of the school’s major concerns. It is part of our social responsibility and as we advocate citizenship and volunteerism, we not only get a chance to give back to the community we belong to but we teach our present students one of the most important lessons that they would learn at STC. We are blessed with the many talents by God and we realise these talents as we glorify our Creator with them – by being a contributing member to our neighbours. Love and giving begin with us at STC and extend to working with individuals, groups, community, and the world.
崇德師生齊聚首 文化薈萃樂中秋
Operation Santa Claus: Shung Tak Catholic English College’s grand 2023 Christmas fundraiser
崇德英文書院英語傳揚中華文化 義賣美食籌款賬災
Hong Kong’s Shung Tak Catholic English College holds charity fun fair for Operation Santa Claus
崇德英文書院提供優質教育 助學生成就夢想
粵辯愈明 推動辯論文化
Hong Kong teachers dress up as students to raise record-high funds for Operation Santa Claus
學術與品德兼重 多元文化建國際視野
豐富學習體驗 栽培學生懷材抱德成僕人領袖
Preparing for departure: A secondary school’s experience with SSS
Open Minds, Open Hearts’ 18th Singapore-Hong Kong Exchange Programme
Hong Kong teachers and students brave bucket challenge in winter for charity
Shung Tak Catholic English College are very proud of our alumni who are our treasure. Our present and future lie in the success of our alumni and no matter where they are in the world and what they do, we are sure they are making an impact in the way that we at STC, and most important, God, would be very proud of. Our school has a legacy of success, and our alumni have a lasting impact in our community.
We continue to produce graduates who are lifelong learners with a strong academic education who are God fearing, hard-working, innovative and effective in their fields. Share just a few of the inspiring stories from our graduates as they have gone forth and sought responsibility through leadership and service.
David Yiu
From Painter to Fashion Designer
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Henry Yeung
Revive Local Agriculture
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Jessica Cheng
Nurtured in a Shungtakian Family; led by “The Second Choice”
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Kathy Ngai
Dare to Try and Dare to Take Responsibility
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Sharon Li
Dare to Dream Big, Walk out of the Ordinary
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Mandy Lam
Exploring the Ambitions of a Doctor
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Gordon Chan
Life on Libra
Share Your Good “News”! by becoming a part of the lifelong network of alumni on Alumni Notes.
Every Shungtakian is part of Shung Tak whose history, legacy and traditions date back to 1958.
We would like all Shungtakians to touch base as they continue their journey in life especially when they celebrate an important milestone. We hope that we can create this network that supports the life-long growth of each Shungtakian. We encourage all Shnugtakians to visit campus often, keep us up to date with your life events, and to stay connected with us.
If you have an update to share, we want to hear about it! Please share with us news on family, career, school, and more! We welcome submissions for Alumni Notes.