Speech Day 2024
Principal’s Address
Good afternoon Dr Leung, our Guest-of-honour; Fr Li, our School Supervisor; honourable guests, teachers and graduates,
It is my privilege to be with graduates today to celebrate their graduation. Years of studies in Shung Tak have shaped our graduates into committed and disciplined persons who strive for excellence in academic performance and a desire to offer service to those in need. Our guest-of-honour today, Dr Peter Leung, our alumnus undoubtedly possesses the Shungtakians’ qualities. I am sure you will hear more of his stories in a minute.
In the past few years, our graduates have been given a learning environment that further fosters self-regulated learning skills and attitudes which build self-confidence and encourage excellence. The generic skills acquired, and the service-learning opportunities have enabled them to reflect on and plan for their future.
“Breaking barriers to achieve success” best describes the learning attitude of this year’s graduates. Despite school life being interrupted by COVID-19, they have faced all challenges as they understand “The best way out is always through” (Robert Frost). Of the 600 papers sat (not including Citizenship and Social Development which has results reported as “attained” or “unattained”), 76.7% of our Shungtakians received Level 4 or above, which is a new record for Shung Tak. The Level 5 or above rate also stands high at 34.3%. Our students continued to excel in English Language, with 82.2% of them scoring Level 4 or above and 100% scoring Level 3 or above.
In terms of academic advancement, 100% of our graduates received a JUPAS offer. 93.1% of them met the minimum entrance requirements for a local degree course. 92.1% of our graduates were admitted to degree programmes. 36.6% received offers from the University of Hong Kong, the Chinese University of Hong Kong, or the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology. From the subject choices students make, I am glad to notice that we do not just nurture talents in law and medicine and students do not dive into fields indiscriminately but instead they go with their goals and passions in life. A total of 13.9% of our students have chosen disciplines related to health sciences at the Polytechnic University of Hong Kong. I do very much believe that our students are making wise choices for themselves, and have considered their interests and strengths, as well as the demands for talents in the city. This is the difference that life planning can make, and we are blessed that our students have had the benefits of strong guidance from our committed and informed and learned Team.
In 2023-2024, Shung Tak continued to aim high, and we are happy to reap the harvest. The all-round development of Shungtakians is evident in the diverse achievements Shungtakians took home. Apart from the outstanding academic achievements, Shungtakians received 158 awards in different competitions in different areas ranging from sports, visual arts, STEM, mock trial, Speech Festival to Music Festival. Service learning is one of our major concerns in our last development cycle. I am proud to report that Shungtakians accumulated 4,126.1 service hours, with 99.7% of students participating in different types of service projects, representing an 18.1% increase from last year. The school also received the Gold Award for Volunteer Service (Groups) and the Heart to Heart School 2023-2025 from the Hong Kong Federation of Youth Groups. A clear sign of our goal and focus on a Catholic education.
With our return to normalcy, the school had organised 6 study tours to various places including the Mainland, South Korea, Japan, New Zealand and Italy, with a total of 211 participants. These tours and the achievements I just shared with you are by no means exhaustive and are evidence of the success of all-round Shung Tak education. May I take this opportunity to express my sincere appreciation to the diligence of Shungtakians and teachers, as well as the collaboration of parents and alumni.
The School will never settle for less. As the new development cycle 2024-2027 begins, the school will strengthen the character building of Shungtakians and further promote the collaboration of different departments and committees to ensure strong scaffolding of knowledge. We will endeavour to live up to the goal that “Shung Tak is where your pathway to university begins” with the character strengths built in Shungtakians.
Let us embrace the future with courage and unity, ready to turn our dreams into reality.
Thank you and God bless,
Dr Cecilia Tang
Welcome Back – 1st School Day of 2024-2025 Academic Year
Good morning.
First of all, I would like to thank all new student school leaders as you are going to work together with the school to support fellow Shungtakians, and of course you would also have the benefit and pleasure of working on the closing of our school’s 65th Anniversary Celebrations.
Now, let me highlight some special initiatives of the year.
Shungtakians are always our pride. I am sure you have seen from our school website the success of our DSE fighters 2024 who have done us proud as they achieved their goals and broke some records.
Of the 600 papers sat (not including Citizenship and Social Development which has results reported as “Attained” or “Unattained”), 76.7% received Level 4 or above, which is a new record for Shung Tak. The Level 5 or above rate also stands high at 34.3%. No doubt English remains the strongest in all subjects. 82.2% of this cohort has scored Level 4 or above in this subject, while 100% have obtained the minimum university entry requirement score of Level 3. The outstanding results mean that 100% of our S6 graduates qualified for sub-degree programmes and 93.1% are eligible for university admissions. I trust our coming S6 students, will be the stars in the coming year by bringing us even more stars and breaking records.
At the start of this school year 2024-2025, we are about to embark on a new development cycle which translates into a new 3-year school development plan. Our two new major concerns are:
- To cultivate students’ positive values and attitudes through promoting a school-based values education curriculum.
- To broaden students’ horizons through collaboration across different disciplines.
In Shung Tak, we aim high in academic excellence, but we also hold very high values formation. In fact, it is equally important. The school has therefore designated 6 values, namely, kindness, compassion, discernment, responsibility, servant leadership and gratitude, to be widely promoted in each grade level from S1 to S6.
Demonstrate your kindness (S1) and show compassion (S2) to your schoolmates are of the essence in the Shung Tak family. In S3, our focus would be on a discerning mind (discernment) and even more important as you choose electives for your senior secondary school life. Responsibility (S4) is crucial before you serve the school as student leaders in S5. Definitely the school also expects students to model themselves on Jesus as servant leaders (servant leadership) and in the giving of service to the school and the community. A strong sense of gratitude (S6) to your alma mater, parents and those who have shaped you. Gratitude is also a characteristic we look for in all Shungtakians.
It is our hope that after studying in Shung Tak for 6 years, apart from the 5 Catholic core values and 12 Priority Values set by the Education Bureau, you are able to demonstrate the 6 school-based values in your daily lives.
The Club Orientation will be held on the second day of the new school year, that is tomorrow. I am sure you will be excited when you choose from among the great variety of activities STC has made available to you. In order to help Shungtakians enjoy the colours of school life, different disciplines, i.e. departments and committees will work together to enable you to acquire knowledge across subjects and make meaningful connections between concepts in different disciplines. The school also expects student leaders to demonstrate the ability to critically analyse and synthesise information from multiple disciplines and apply interdisciplinary knowledge when organising activities.
The above major concerns are for three school years from 2024 through to 2027. You can achieve them step by step with the guidance and support of your teachers. To help you live out the above major concerns, please remember the catchphrase for the year, “The best way out is always through”.
“The best way out is always through” is a quote from an American poet Robert Frost. It means the best way to overcome a challenge is to face it head-on rather than trying to avoid or escape it. We all have different dreams in life, and to achieve these dreams, it is important that we set goals to achieve them. Our goals should be specific, measurable, achievable, realistic and timely. With a growth mindset, we can then work towards our goals step by step. Remember to control our habits, especially the time spent on using electronic gadgets. Control your habits otherwise you are under control.
Life is full of challenges, joys and sorrows. The same goes with our studies. But we learn and grow, we support and help one another. The only way to grow and learn is to face those challenges with courage and determination, exercise flexibility and agility in employing alternatives to get through obstacles instead of getting bogged down. There are always solutions to problems. With a growth mindset and the school motto, ‘Ora et Labora’ as our guiding light, values and knowledge as our solid foundation, I am sure Shungtakians will master all skills essential for them to navigate well in life by the time they graduate.
To welcome you back, the school staff made use of the summer to finish the major repairs in the school. Renovation works in some washrooms, classroom doors and iron gates of the main entrance and car entrance have all been completed. New lockers have also been placed in the classrooms of all junior levels.
The Computer Room on the 4th floor has been given a facelift. You will have more hands-on experience with the latest technologies in STEM. I can’t wait for you all to explore and tinker in this state-of-the-art space. I look forward to witnessing all new thinkers, makers and creators in Shung Tak.
To end, academics and character formation will remain our top priority in STC. I trust that you will continue to scale new heights in all areas. But we also believe that well-rounded students who are engaged in a variety of enriching activities will be the most successful.
So, at this time, I encourage you to embrace this new school year with enthusiasm and an open mind. Challenge yourselves, support one another, and most importantly, have fun!
Thank you and God bless,
Dr Cecilia TANG
Closing Prayer Service and Prize Giving
End of School Year – Gratitude

Today, 12th July, the school year has come to a close. It’s a perfect time to reflect on the journey and express GRATITUDE for the experiences and people who have made it special. In the Letter from St Paul to the Colossians, St Paul reminds God’s followers that “… as God’s chosen people, holy and dearly loved, clothe yourselves with compassion, kindness, humility, gentleness and patience. Bear with each other and forgive one another if any of you has a grievance against someone. Forgive as the Lord forgave you.”
The 5 Catholic core values and the values of compassion, kindness, humility, gentleness, patience, forgiveness, peace and gratitude are concepts which we are very familiar with here at Shung Tak. While reflecting on the experiences in the year 2023-2024, we should thank our teachers who have ignited a love for learning among Shungtakians. They guided Shungtakians through challenges with unconditional support. The knowledge and values lessons they have imparted go beyond the textbooks and will stay with Shungtakians for life.
To Shungtakians, your hard work and enthusiasm have made this year memorable, especially during the 65th Anniversary celebrations. Thank you for showing visitors your talents and potential. Your collaboration in activities and supporting one another in studies are strengths you possess and help you despite challenges. To all awardees, may I extend my warmest congratulations on your effort and persistence. Keep the momentum going and don’t let arrogance get the better of you. Instead, try to be thankful to those who have made this moment possible. To those who did not come up on stage, never give up, it could be your turn soon.
Let’s not forget to acknowledge our parents and alumni. They have been motivating us to do our best. They are the active participants and cheerers in our learning journey, providing us with a strong foundation at home and at school.
As we look back, let’s cherish the milestones and progress we’ve made, the bonds we’ve formed and the memories we’ve created. Most importantly, do recognize how much we’ve learned and grown throughout the year.
I am sure all of us will carry this gratitude with us as we move onto the next chapter. Whether it’s the summer break, new academic adventures, or different paths, the lessons and experiences of the past year will always be a part of us.
May I take this opportunity to say a big thank you to teachers, student leaders and all Shungtakians for your hard work and your dedication in making this school year a huge success. I wish you all a safe, healthy, and enjoyable summer, and I look forward to seeing you all back here in September.
Thank you and God bless.
Dr Cecilia Tang
“Sixty-five years of passing on the spirit,
We Shungtakians
keep breaking our limits.”
We are gathered together here this morning with immense pride and gratitude to celebrate Founders Day and the kick-off ceremony of Shung Tak’s 65th Anniversary.
First, I would like to express our deepest gratitude to the founders of our school. Their vision, devotion, and commitment to education have laid a solid foundation for Shung Tak. Our history, our accomplishments, over the last 65 years is proof of this. Thank you to these visionary heroes who had the foresight to establish a school which is guided by the school motto, “Ora et Labora” , – Pray and Work, which has become a beacon of knowledge, growth, and character development.
To our esteemed predecessors, let us extend our heartfelt appreciation. Their hard work and perseverance have nurtured generations of Shungtakians, forming them into the individuals they are today. Their insightful leadership and dedication to providing quality education have paved the way for the countless achievements of Shungtakians and inspired generations of students.
I would be remiss if I did not express our deepest gratitude to our dedicated teachers. Your passion, expertise, and tireless efforts have played a pivotal role in forming the values and characters, shaping the lives and futures of Shungtakians. With your support and mentorship, Shungtakians have been able to unlock their full potential and scale new heights of academic and personal excellence. I thank you for your untiring contributions to Catholic education.
To our alumni, your continuous support to your alma mater has been remarkable. Through your contributions and mentorship, you have enriched and redefined the experiences of current Shungtakians and helped build the future of the school. Your generosity in providing scholarships, resources and opportunities has empowered different individuals to pursue their dreams and reach their potential. We are forever grateful for your dedication to your alma mater. And please continue to support your alma mater in whatever ways you can – big or small.
To the parents, thank you for placing your trust in us and entrusting your children to our care. Your continuous involvement in our educational journey, from the early years to this momentous occasion, has been a driving force behind our achievements. Your sacrifices, encouragement, trust and love have served as a constant source of motivation.
Last but certainly not least, I want to acknowledge our incredible Shungtakians. Each one of you brings a unique set of talents, aspirations and dreams to this vibrant school community. Your collective achievements, both academic and in various learning activities, are a testament to your dedication, diligence, and the nurturing environment provided by STC.
On behalf of all students, I also extend our sincere gratitude for the presence of our school managers, principals and honourable guests. Our dear school managers, your commitment, and guidance have been instrumental in shaping Shung Tak into a school providing all-round education for students. We also extend our deepest appreciation to all the principals and guests here today for gracing us with your presence. Your support and encouragement are crucial to us, and we are honored to have you here as we begin on this significant milestone in our school’s history.
As we embark on this celebratory journey, let us remember the core values and principles upon which our school was founded. Let us commit ourselves to upholding the highest standards of academic excellence, fostering an inclusive environment, and empowering each and every student to realize their potential to the fullest.
Thank you once again to our founders, predecessors, school managers, teachers, alumni, parents, and fellow Shungtakians for your invaluable involvement in forming the extraordinary school we call home, our family.
Happy Founders’ Day and let the 65th Anniversary celebrations begin!
Happy Birthday to Shung Tak.
Dr Cecilia Tang

Welcome to the website of Shung Tak Catholic English College. This is where you can share in the colourful lives and happenings of our Shungtakians in and around, and out and about our quiet corner of Hung Shui Kiu.
English Excellence. STC is a school where English is the medium of instruction and where English is our foundation. Students are guided and encouraged to make the best use of their English learning opportunities. “English-for-All Days” on Mondays provide ample opportunities for students to practise English with both their peers and their teachers. Competitions in drama, writing, speech, and debating are some of the many platforms we have for students to develop their proficiency, competence, and confidence in the English language. Their stellar results in the HKDSE are testimony to their effort and determination.
Values Education. Being the second pillar in STC, values education is inculcated in students both inside and outside the classroom. The five Catholic core values, namely, truth, love, justice, life, and family, alongside the ten core values, and national security education advocated by the EDB, are the fundamentals of character formation of our students. From values to virtues and from virtues to character formation, Shungtakians are developed into persons who are respectful, responsible, loving, and caring.
Colours of School Life. At STC, Shungtakians enjoy a full range of extra-curricular activities and life-wide learning opportunities – experiential learning programmes, leadership training programmes, uniform groups, etc. Students enjoy their time at STC as they acquire the skills necessary for work and life.
“Hard work without prayer is fruitless; prayer without hard work is aimless”. Guided by the school motto, “Ora et Labora” (Pray and Work), Shungtakians lead a prayerful life and demonstrate diligence in their studies. With the support of teachers, parents, alumni, and the local community, we are committed to providing quality education for all Shungtakians.
You will learn about the colours of Shungtakians’ lives as you navigate the school website. Please take a moment to have a look around.
May God continue to guide us and bless us as we journey through the 65th anniversary of the school and beyond.
Dr Cecilia Tang