Shung Tak follows the curriculum framework as issued by the Education Bureau of the Government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region. Following the Secondary Education Curriculum Guide (2017) and the Supplementary Notes to the Secondary Education Curriculum Guide (2017) (Published in June 2021), the School offers an education with emphasis on the Key Learning Area (KLA) Curriculum Guides (P1-S6) / Cross Key Learning Areas Documents in
- Chinese Language Education
- English Language Education
- Mathematics Education
- Science Education
- Technology Education
- Personal, Social and Humanities Education
- Arts Education
- Physical Education
Alongside these Key Learning Areas, life at STC is filled with activities and events which contribute to the everyday life of Shungtakians and which play a role in their holistic development. In our life at STC and in all we do here at STC, values education plays a crucial role in the whole-person development. It is important in fostering our students’ ability to identify the values, analyse objectively and make reasonable judgement in different issues they may encounter at different developmental stages so that they could take proper action to deal with the challenges in their future.
We follow the Education Bureau’s promotion of Values Education through nurturing in our students the ten priority values and attitudes: “Perseverance”, “Respect for Others”, “Responsibility”, “National Identity”, “Commitment”, “Integrity”, “Care for Others”, “Law-abidingness”, “Empathy” and “Diligence”(Newly added in November 2021).
Value Education is a life-long foundation as it trains students to recognize moral values which are important in moulding our young people to carry out their social and moral obligations so that we can be mindful citizens of our country. We make use of everyday life events to strengthen the coordination of learning activities, and enhance the connection, among various cross-curricular domains in values education, including moral education, civic education, national education (including Constitution, Basic Law and national security education), anti-drug education, life education, sex education, media and information literacy education, education for sustainable development, human rights education under the legal framework, etc. so as to provide students with all-round learning experience conducive to their whole-person development.
Adapted from:
Our Four Key Tasks are: