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School Key Documents

  1. To cultivate students’ positive values and attitudes through promoting a school-based values education curriculum. 
  2. To broaden students’ horizons through collaboration across different disciplines. 

2023 – 2024
Annual School Plan
2022 – 2023
Annual School Plan
2021 – 2022
Annual School Plan
2020 – 2021
Annual School Plan
2019 – 2020
Annual School Plan
2018 2019
Annual School Plan

2022 – 2023
Annual Report
2021 – 2022
Annual Report
2020 – 2021
Annual Report
2019 – 2020
Annual Report
2018 2019
Annual Report

The School-based After-school Learning and Support Programmes (SBG) aims to support needy students to participate in after-school activities with a view to facilitating their whole-person and all-round development. It allows schools to organise school based and district-based activities for needy students. The target students are those Primary 1 to Secondary 6 students in receipt of Comprehensive Social Security Assistance (CSSA) and full grant under the Student Financial Assistance (SFA) Schemes.

2023 – 2024
SBG PlanSBG Report
2022 – 2023
SBG PlanSBG Report
2021 – 2022
SBG PlanSBG Report
2020 – 2021
SBG Plan SBG Report

The Diversity Learning Grant (DLG) is provided to support schools in offering a diversified senior secondary (SS) curriculum to meet students’ different needs. With this Grant, SS students can be subsidised when taking part in various learning programmes, including Applied Learning (ApL) courses, adapted ApL courses1, Other Programmes (OP) (including network programmes for SS subjects and gifted education programmes) and Other Languages (OL) as elective subjects.

2023 – 2024
DLG Plan
2022 – 2023
DLG PlanDLG Report
2021 – 2022
DLG Plan (13th Cohort)DLG Report
2020 – 2021
DLG Plan (12th Cohort)DLG Report

The Capacity Enhancement Grant (CEG) in general provides the necessary funds to schools to relieve teachers’ workload so that teachers will have enhanced capacity to concentrate on the following three critical tasks in the education reform:

  1. curriculum development, including the integration of information technology in teaching;
  2. enhancing students’ language proficiency; and
  3. coping with the diverse and special learning needs of students with varied abilities, ranging from the gifted ones to those with learning difficulties.
2023 – 2024
CEG Plan
2022 – 2023
CEG PlanCEG Report
2021 – 2022
CEG PlanCEG Report
2020 – 2021
CEG Plan

The Grant is offered to support the implementation of the Citizenship and Social Development (CS) curriculum. The Grant may be used to:

  • develop or procure relevant learning and teaching resources (including multi- media and e-learning resources), mobile applications and software, as well as reference materials for CS;
  • subsidise students and teachers to participate in Mainland interflow activities or study tours2 relating to the curriculum of CS;
  • organiseschool-basedlearningactivitiesforenhancingthelearningandteaching effectiveness of CS; and
  • organise or subsidise students to participate in joint-school / cross-curricular activities relating to the curriculum of CS conducted in Hong Kong or in the Mainland to promote interchange and dissemination of good practices.
2023 – 2024
CS Grant Plan
2022 – 2023
CS Grant PlanCS Grant Report
2021 – 2022
CS Grant PlanCS Grant Report

Life-wide learning extends learning beyond the classroom to other contexts, and attaches great importance to learning in authentic contexts as it enables students to achieve learning objectives which are difficult to achieve through classroom learning alone. The knowledge, skills, positive values and attitudes that students acquire in experiential learning is important in developing their lifelong learning capabilities and fostering their whole-person development.

The Life-wide Learning Grant (LWLG) is provided to support schools in taking forward, on the present foundation, life-wide learning with enhanced efforts.

2023 – 2024
2022 – 2023
LWLG PlanLWLG Report
2021 – 2022
LWLG PlanLWLG Report
2020 – 2021
LWLG PlanLWLG Report

The Student Activities Support Grant (SASG) aims to support students with financial needs to participate in life-wide learning activities organised or recognised by schools. Beneficiaries of the Grant are primary and secondary school students in receipt of either the Comprehensive Social Security Assistance (CSSA) or the Student Financial Assistance (SFA) Schemes full-grant.

2022 – 2023
Evaluation Report
2021 – 2022
Evaluation Report
2020 – 2021
Evaluation Report

The Promotion of Reading Grant (PRG) helps to strengthen the promotion of reading culture in schools. This Grant allows schools to enrich their reading resources, and organise reading activities to foster students’ interest in reading. In addition to purchasing printed books and e-books, hiring writers, professional storytellers, etc. to conduct talks, and the Grant can also be used to subsidise students to participate in or apply for fee-charging reading-related activities or courses.

2023 – 2024
PRG Plan
2022 – 2023
PRG PlanPRG Report
2021 – 2022
PRG PlanPRG Report
2020 – 2021
PRG Report

With the School-based Top-up Management Grant (STMG), schools can, on a need basis, deploy the Grant flexibly to:

  1. support the operation of their MCs/IMCs/SMCs and;
  2. strengthen training for school managers or MC/IMC/SMC members
2023 – 2024
STMG PlanSTMG Report
2022 – 2023
STMG PlanSTMG Report

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