Curriculum Aims
The junior secondary CL curriculum aims to
- develop computer and information literacy in students through the cultivation of technological capabilities, technological understanding, and technological awareness.
- provide students with opportunities to acquire essential knowledge and concepts, learn the processes and skills, and be aware of the impact of computer and information technologies in improving everyday living, enhancing social and economic development, and keeping Hong Kong students abreast of the latest technological advancements.
The senior secondary ICT curriculum aims to
- provide students with a body of essential knowledge, concepts and applications of information, communication, and computer systems;
- equip students with problem-solving and communication skills, and encourage them to think critically and creatively;
- develop students into competent, effective, discriminating, ethical, and confident users of ICT, so as to support their lifelong learning; and
- provide students with opportunities to appreciate the impact of ICT on our knowledge-based society, so as to nurture in them positive values and attitudes towards this area.
Junior Form (S1-S3)
After completion of the course, students should be able to:
- understand basic concepts related to the use of information technology and computers
- develop the capability to process and present information independently or collaboratively with peers
- be aware of the validity and reliability of information, and be able to verify and evaluate the accuracy and reliability of information
- be aware of intellectual property rights, data privacy issues, etc. and observe the rules and regulations in handling information
- choose the appropriate hardware, software, and computer systems to perform specific tasks
- develop skills to perform a variety of Internet activities
- apply different approaches in solving problems
- develop skills to solve problems systematically
- know how to develop simple programs to solve problems
Senior Form (S4-S6)
After completion of the course, students should be able to:
- develop knowledge and understanding of the range and organisation of computer systems, and the interrelationships between hardware, software, and data
- realise the social, ethical, and legal issues pertaining to the use of ICT
- use a range of applications effectively, ethically, and with discrimination to support information processing and problem-solving
- demonstrate an understanding of methods for analysing problems, and planning and implementing solutions using ICT.
- appreciate how information literacy and the sharing of knowledge using ICT influence decision-making and shape our society; and
- develop responsible and positive attitudes towards the use of ICT.
Junior Forms (2 periods per cycle)
S1 | Introduction of the School NetworkBasics of Computer and Computer OperationiPad Applications (SonicPics)Text Processing (Office 365, Google Doc)Image EditingPowerPointBasic Concept of ProgrammingScratchArtificial Intelligence |
S2 | Spreadsheets (Microsoft Excel, Google Sheet)Web Editing (HTML & Dreamweaver)Photo Editing (Photoshop & Illustrator)Programming (App Inventor)Artificial Intelligence |
S3 | Video Editing using VSDC Video editorRobomasterMicrobit Robots (Probbie)Learning Basic Programming Concepts with PythonArtificial Intelligence |
Senior Forms (6 periods per cycle)
S4 | Information Processing Introduction to Information ProcessingData Organisation and Data ControlData RepresentationData Manipulation and Analysis Computational Thinking and Programming Problem-Formulation and AnalysisAlgorithm DesignProgram DevelopmentProgram Testing and Debugging Computer System Fundamentals Basic Machine Organisation 14System Software |
S5 | Algorithm and Programming ProgrammingApplications of Programming in Real Life Internet and its Applications Networking and Internet BasicsInternet Services and ApplicationsElementary Web AuthoringThreats and Security on the Internet Databases Relational Databases ConceptsSQLDatabase Design Methodology |
S6 | Social Implications Technological InnovationsHealth and Ethical IssuesIntellectual Property |
Junior Form (S1 – S3)
There will be no Organised Test or written examination for S1 – S3 students.
Examination results will be given in Grade A to E and U, based on the project assignments and test results.
Senior Form (S4 – S6)
S4 | 4 Uniform Tests (two in each term, total 20% of the term results) | Structured Questions (100%) | 40 minutes |
Interim / Final Exam (80% of the term results) | Interim Exam: MCQ (40%) Structured Questions (60%) Final Exam: MCQ (40%) Structured Questions (60%) | Interim Exam: 1.5 hours Final Exam: 1.5 hours | |
S5 | 4 Uniform Tests (two in each term, total 20% of the term results) | Structured Questions (100%) | 40 minutes |
Interim / Final Exam (80% of the term results) | Interim Exam: MCQ (40%) Structured Questions (60%) Final Exam – Paper 1 (Compulsory part): MCQ (27%) Structured Questions (40%) Final Exam – Paper 2 (Elective Part): Structured Questions (33%) | Interim Exam: 1.5 hours Final Exam Paper 1: 1.5 hours Final Exam Paper 2: 1 hour | |
S6 | Mock Examination (80% of the subject mark) | Paper 1 (Compulsory part) – MCQ (24%) – Structured Questions (36%) Paper 2 (Elective Part) – (20%) | Paper 1: 2 hours Paper 2: 1.5 hour |
SBA (20% of the subject mark) | Assessment result of all guided tasks (20%) | ** |
** Please refer to the HKEAA website for the updated SBA requirement of the subject: