1.1 Statistical information of STC Graduates
- Summary of 2015-24 pathways and JUPAS results
- 2024 JUPAS Results
- 2023 JUPAS Results
- 2022 JUPAS Results
1.2 NAS Subject Selection
- Introduction of STC Senior Secondary Curriculum
- Elective Subjects Offered by the School
- Procedure of Subject Selection
- The S3 Parents’ Night on “subject choices” will be held in November. It provides information on the S4 curriculum; the elective subjects offered by our school; and details of the selection procedures for these elective subjects. A Mock Selection of subjects, that based on the S2 results, will be arranged then.
- Selection Process for S4 elective subjects will take place in Term two. A “Selection of Subject Form” will be given out in May. The school will refer to the choices made by students and their academic results of S3 for the allocation of elective subjects.
1.3 Useful Links
- Senior Secondary Education
- Tertiary Education
- Others