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My Study Options

1.1 Statistical information of STC Graduates

1.2 NAS Subject Selection

  • Introduction of STC Senior Secondary Curriculum
  • Elective Subjects Offered by the School
  • Procedure of Subject Selection
    • The S3 Parents’ Night on “subject choices” will be held in November. It provides information on the S.4 curriculum; the elective subjects offered by our school; and details of the selection procedures for these elective subjects. A Mock Selection of subjects, that based on the S.2 results, will be arranged then.
    • Selection Process for S4 elective subjects will take place in Term two. A “Selection of Subject Form” will be given out in May. The school will refer to the choices made by students; and their academic results of S.3 for the allocation of elective subjects.

1.3 Useful Links

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