Home ā€ŗ School Life ā€ŗ Academic ā€ŗ The Curriculum ā€ŗ Subjects of STC ā€ŗ Biology



To develop a deep understanding of the fundamental principles and concepts of biology, including the structure and function of living organisms, genetics, evolution, ecology, and biotechnology. Students will also learn how to analyse, interpret, and evaluate biological information, as well as develop critical thinking and problem-solving skills. Ultimately, the goal is to prepare students for further studies in biology or related fields, as well as equip them with knowledge and skills relevant to their daily lives.


Junior Forms

LevelBookBook (Chapter)Descriptions
S3      School Based MaterialsIntroduction & Scientific InvestigationThe meaning of biology and the different branches of biologyCarry out a simple scientific investigationThe characteristics of living organisms
HKDSE Biology Connecting Concepts1A (2)1A (5)Molecules of lifeMetabolism and enzymes
1B (6)1B (7)Food and humansNutrition in humans (process of human nutrition , the digestive system, ingestion, movement of food along the alimentary canal and digestion)

Senior Forms

S4HKDSE Biology Connecting Concepts1B (7) contā€™d 1B (8)1B (9)Nutrition in humans (Digestion in small intestine, Absorption, Assimilation, Egestion)Gas exchange in humansTransport of substances in humans  
1A (3)1A (4)Cellular organisation Movement of substances across membrane
2A (10)2A (11)2A (12)2A (13)2A (14)2A (15)Nutrition and gas exchange in plantsTranspiration, transport and support in plantsThe cell cycle and cell divisionReproduction in flowering plantsReproduction in humansGrowth and development
2B (16)2B (17)2B (18)2B (19)Stimuli, receptors and responsesCoordination in humansMovement in humansHomeostasis
S5HKDSE Biology Connecting Concepts2C (20)2C (21)2C (22)EcosystemPhotosynthesisRespiration
3 (23)3 (24)3 (25)Personal health and infectious diseasesNon-infectious diseases and disease preventionBody defence mechanisms
4 (26)4 (27)4 (28)4 (29)4 (30)4 (31)Basic geneticsMolecular geneticsBiotechnologyBiodiversity Origins of life and the evidence for evolutionMechanisms of evolution and speciation
Elective, optional *6 / *8(During summer holiday) Applied Ecology / Applied Genetics
S6HKDSE Biology Connecting ConceptsElective 5 (32)5 (33)5 (34)5 (35)  Regulation of body temperatureRegulation of water content Regulation of gas content in bloodHormonal control of reproductive cycle
Elective 7 (38)7 (39)7 (40)  MicrobiologyUses of microorganisms Harmful effects of microorganisms

*May choose any one to study, but itā€™s optional. Lessons will be arranged during the summer holiday as supplementary classes.


TypeTime needed in each taskMin. no. of tasks required in each class per year
Tests30-80 minOnce per chapter
ClassworkĀ±15 minFill in the blank worksheetsWhenever necessary, normally 1-2 questions per lesson
Experimental Reports (including SBA)Ā±1 hr3662
Note-takingĀ±20 minEvery lesson
Homework  0.5-1 hr2 questions per chapter2 questions per chapter2 questions per chapter
Self-learning tasksA weekEncourage students to join Bio club activities and participate public seminars in biological areaStudents work in group of 2-5 on a specific topic of Biology (may also participate a public competition or training in biological area or making video clips)
Quiz / Dictation5-10 minAround 10 vocabularies per monthOnline MC tests
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