

復活節長者聚餐 2023

By 2L Daisy Liu On the 16th of April, our school volunteer team, Permeance, along with other Shungtakians, set off to our sister school, Yuen Long Catholic Secondary School, to help serve lunch to the elderly who were participating in an Easter lunch service. On the day of the event, our team set up tables […]

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By 5J Cherry Chui In order to make an all-out effort to support the Catholic Diocese of Hong Kong, I joined a fundraising walkathon called “Together We Stride” on April 23rd. This fundraising event has all the funds raised going to the building and development of churches. We walked from the Amphitheatre in Hong Kong

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Closing Prayer Service 2023

By 1L Charmaine Yip On 14th July, my E&RE teacher, Mr. Mak, invited me to play the guitar for the choir in the Closing Prayer Service. During the rehearsal, Mr. Mak surprised me by allowing me and my classmate, Jonathan Wu to play Lord’s Prayer by ourselves. This was my first time playing the guitar in front of so many people, so I was both surprised and excited. As the Closing Prayer Service began and it was time for us to play Lord’s Prayer, my mouth became dry and my body shivered. I lost confidence and I thought I would fail. Mr. Mak noticed that I was anxious and thus he gave us encouragement, which helped me calm down and finish the mission. Overall, this was a great learning experience for me. I learned how to calm myself down and work in a team. It was my pleasure to serve God using my talent.

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The Running Teens programme, in collaboration with ‘Run to Your Home’, was a great success. The programme consisted of six sessions that took place between February and May 2023 for 15 S.1 students. In each session, the participants received running training and also participated in volunteer work by visiting the elderly who live in Shui Pin Wai Estate on 13th July, 2023. The programme aimed to promote physical fitness among students while also encouraging them to be more caring and compassionate towards the elderly in their community. By participating in volunteer work, the students were able to gain a greater understanding of the challenges faced by the elderly and were able to learn how to spread love and kindness to those around them. During the running training sessions, the students were taught proper techniques for running, including stretching exercises and warm-ups. The training sessions were designed to help students build up their stamina and endurance gradually. The running training not only helped students stay physically active but also taught them the importance of perseverance and determination. In addition to the running training, the students participated in volunteer work by visiting the elderly who live in Shui Pin Wai Estate. During the visit, the participants spent time with the elderly, listening to their stories and learning about their life experiences. The students were encouraged to engage in activities that helped the elderly, such as running errands or helping with household chores. Through the programme, the students developed a greater sense of community and became more aware of the challenges faced by the elderly. They learned to appreciate the value of volunteer work and how it can make a positive impact on the lives of others. The students also developed a sense of responsibility towards their community and learned to be more compassionate towards those in need. The programme was an excellent way for students to learn important life skills while also making a positive contribution to their community.

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It was such a wonderful and exciting camping trip as we not only made new friends, but we also learnt the importance of perseverance and communication. Mass games were the key for team-building. Musical chairs and arranging playing cards in a certain sequence and even cooking out in the wild were part of that experience. All were to prepare us for our second day, where all the exciting activities took place. After some stretching activities and grocery shopping, we embarked on our hiking journey. Carrying our cook sets and ingredients, we started hiking up steep slopes until we conquered the hills in the first quarter of our journey. It felt like a major milestone, as we all took a moment to lie down on the soft grass and eat candies to recharge before pushing on towards the Ngong Ping Plateau. As we continued, every muscle told us to give up, but we did not. The determination within us kept us going, step by step. Finally, we reached the vast plateau and were greeted by a few cows lazily grazing in the open fields. We hurried to the plateau and saw a stunning sunset over Wu Kai Sha, marking the end of our hike. This end meant the start of our main task – preparing dinner. Our ingredients were simple but we managed to produce some good dishes. Who would have imagined having satay beef, corn soup, and Sukiyaki in the wild? After cleaning up, we set off again using the lamps to lead the way back to our campsite. By that point, we were completely drained that soon as we reached the campsite, we all fell asleep instantly. On the third day, we set off for our last activity which was held at school. We did some origami and other handcrafts with the focus of communication skills. The debriefing that followed was time for us to see what we have achieved and to explore ways to do better. One big take-away from this camp was the lesson on perseverance during difficult times. Looking back, we realized that completing the journey was about us on countless occasions pushing ourselves a little further, saying to ourselves, ‘I just need to give it a little more.’ Another equally valuable lesson we learned was trust and communication. In the training camp, we needed to work together for our dinner, and to ensure that we did well in the many group activities. We also took care of each other during the hike. Never did we know how simple acts of encouragement can be someone’s reason to continue. Most of all, is the lesson on confidence. After this camping trip, I believe that no matter how many diffculties I will face in the future, I can overcome them!

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Pilgrimage to Macau

By 3J Christy Tsang The pilgrimage to Macau on the 6th July gave me the chance to deepen my understanding about the Catholic faith and the Church. Being a Catholic, what I hear the most about is how churches were built but the best is to see it and this is what we did. We have visited San Domingo’s Church, Our Lady of Sorrows Church and Macau’s Ruins of St. Paul’s. The visit gave me the chance to learn more about Jesus’ experiences and sufferings; and learn more about the mother of God, Mary, who endured so much pain. Our first stop was Our Lady of Sorrows Church. The church was built in 1966 by Father Wu in what was known as Notre Dame Village in the area of Jiu’ao. In fact, the process of building this church was not easy as it was built to serve the lepers whom he did not want to label as lepers so he renamed the residential houses Notre Dame Village. Here, Father Wu lived with the lepers as he taught them survival skills. He showed unwavering devotion to the lepers he served and adhered to the principles of care and respect for life. His works echo a spirit of persistence, kindness and deep love. If you ask me what I have learnt, I will definitely answer trust in God. No matter where we are, we need that trust. The pilgrimage certainly have given us the chance to put aside all the worries in our daily lives, and helped us to know more about ourselves too. We also needed to be reminded of the spiritual value of redemption, trust in God and the definition of life. Let us all grow with joy, and let anger and worries disappear. WE need a destination which allows us to shine. If we live in the Spirit, let us also walk in the spirit. (Galatians.525)

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“Try Myself, Trust Myself”

The Guidance Activity Week held between 5 and 12 July 2023. The theme of the Week is “Try Myself, Trust Myself”. The program was designed for 15 students who were selected to participate in various workshops, including magic, new sports, cake baking, flight experience, and board game experience. During the program, the students were encouraged to use their creativity, problem-solving skills, and collaboration skills through playing games and participating in different activities. The program helped to enhance their self-learning skills, allowing them to gain confidence in their abilities and trust in themselves. Through the workshops, the students were able to explore new interests and experiences, which could help them discover new talents and passion. The program also provided a platform for the participants to interact with one another, fostering a sense of community and teamwork. Overall, the program empowered students to take on challenges and believe in themselves. By doing so, they could develop the necessary skills and mindset to achieve their goals and succeed in their future endeavours.

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On 5th July 2023, the History and Chinese History Departments organised a post-examination activity, visiting the Cultural Heritage Museum of Hong Kong, for S2 students. The purpose of the visit was to broaden students’ understanding of European history and local cultures. During the visit, students explored various exhibits. One of the highlights was the exhibition “Virtually Versailles”, which provided students with a unique opportunity to experience the grandeur and splendor of the Palace of Versailles in France. Through virtual reality and multimedia presentations, students were transported to the opulent halls and gardens of Versailles, gaining insights into European history and cultural exchange. In addition to the “Virtually Versailles” exhibition, students appreciated different artifacts, artworks, and interactive displays that represented different aspects of local cultures. Overall, the visit to the Cultural Heritage Museum of Hong Kong and the “Virtually Versailles” exhibition, provided a comprehensive and immersive learning experience. It encouraged students to embrace their cultural heritage, appreciate global cultural exchange, and develop a sense of pride and belonging to their community and country.

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