By 3M Daniel Tham
The Junior Singing Contest, held 12th May, showcased junior students’ talents — finally a chance to be on stage and perform live.
The theme of the year, ‘My Way’, gave classes the opportunity to choose their own song or even produce a medley to tell a story about the friendships that abound in their classes. The contest saw classes coming together to work as a team in a musical setting. Students, even those not familiar with performing arts in the beginning, got the chance to ignite their imagination and creativity as they cooperated to devise their original show.
Famous singer and artist from Macau, Mr Roberto Madan, (馬檇鏗), adjudicated the contest and was also a performing guest. Song filled the Hall with his two recently released songs ‘Eyes On Me’ and “青春快門”.
Also on board for adjudication were two student-teachers, Ms KK Chan and Ms CN Chan who were themselves experienced as Shungtakians performers with plentiful music experiences and unforgettable memories serving as Chairperson of the Music Club and as a core member of the A capella Team.
Confucius says “Music produces a kind of pleasure which human nature cannot do without”, so let the music continue to play in our hearts, until next year when new musical memories would be made.