

Italy Cultural and Religious Study Tour

The Study Tour to Italy 2024 has successfully concluded. These 13 days of enriching experience has provided our students with valuable cultural and religious insights, particularly in the context of the Catholic faith. During the study tour, our students immersed themselves in the rich heritage of Italy, exploring its historical landmarks, art, architecture, and religious […]

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Visit to the Hong Kong Coastal Defense Museum: A Glimpse into History

2L Yoyo Leung On July 5th, I had the opportunity to join an outing organized by the History and Chinese History Department to visit the Hong Kong Coastal Defense Museum. This museum is located on the grounds of the former Lei Yue Mun Fort and offers a unique perspective on Hong Kong’s historical past, particularly

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Forging New Bonds Sister School Partnership with Beijing National Day School-JinYuan

5 July 2024 is a milestone as our school Shung Tak signed the partnership contract with Beijing National Day School-JinYuan. This collaboration marks a significant step in the building of bonds with schools on the Mainland — an opportunity for all of us to learn and to grow. Representatives of STC, Ms Brenda Lee, Mr

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一年一度的中華文化活動日於二零二四年七月三日舉行,本年度活​​動精彩豐富,師生共襄盛舉,活動旨在認識和推廣中華傳統文化。   本年度劇場以享負盛名的《清明上河圖》為主題,演員們將畫中不同場景故事以舞台劇形式呈現,帶領學生通過名畫了解宋代歷史,並從故事中學習到關愛、責任感、誠信、堅毅等九大教育價值觀。活動中有四位同學受邀到台上參與舞台劇,他們投入演出,為同儕獻上精采的表演,其承擔和奉獻精神實在可嘉!   與劇場同時進行的,還有位於有蓋操場的中華文化市集攤位活動,本年度設有糖畫、扯鈴、織草蜢、畫面譜、漢服試穿五個攤位,種類涵蓋傳統小食、服飾、遊戲以至手工藝,配合古代場景佈置,一條古村市集儼然活現眼前。學生們換上漢服,手執銅錢,穿梭不同攤位,或以銅錢換一枝甜滋滋的糖畫,或跟隨師傅學習源遠流長的扯鈴技藝,同學透過參與攤位活動了解傳統中華文化的內容,有效培養對中華文化的興趣以及提升國民身份認同。   中華文化活動日在一片歡聲笑語中結束,同學們都滿載而歸,當中所載的,相信不僅是從活動中獲取的快樂,更有對傳統中華文化的欣賞和敬仰之情呢! 糖畫 面譜 扯鈴 華服 話劇 草蜢

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Disney Youth Education Series

From Academic Lessons to Personal Growth: Shungtakians’ Unforgettable Disneyland Experience: On 4th July 2024, 20 Shungtakians set off for an educational excursion to Hong Kong Disneyland with Guidance teachers and the school social worker. The trip was organized as part of the Disney Youth Education Series. The participants had a truly memorable and enriching experience

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Guide Light Orientation Day

Guide Light Orientation Day On June 26th, around 30 students attended the Guide Light Orientation Day. Guide Light is one of the peer support groups at Shung Tak, responsible for guiding S.1 students to adapt to the new syllabus and learning environment. Guide Light members also organise mental health activities on campus to foster a

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聯合國全體成員國在2015年通過了17個可持續發展目標(SDGs),以消除貧窮、減少不平等,並在2030年之前建立更和平及繁榮的社會。SDGs也被稱為全球目標 (Global Goals),呼籲各人採取行動,創造一個可持續發展的世界。隨著世界各國領導人努力兌現2030年的承諾,全球各地的兒童都為自己的生存、健康、接受優質教育、可持續的環境等權利而表達意見,努力捍衛。         2015年9月25日教宗方濟各在聯合國可持續發展特別峰會上發表演講,呼籲採取空前措施改變生活。天主教香港教區響應教宗的呼籲,鼓勵天主教學校積極參與「建堂耀主‧百校繩飛」創Sustainable Development Goals(SDG)世界紀錄活動以推廣可持續發展目標三「確保健康及促進各年齡層之福祉」,提倡跳繩強身心,培育兒童及青年恆常做運動,共推廣至家庭,促進各年齡層也注重健康生活,珍惜生命。 詳情如下: 日期:2024年6月28日(星期五) 同樂日:上午9:00-中午12:00 創世界紀錄活動:上午10:15-10:45 宣佈紀錄及頒發證書:上午10:45-11:15 地點:瑪利諾中學(觀塘安秀道27號) 口號:跳繩強健身心靈,持續運動身體好 天主教崇德英文書院亦是參與學校之一 約定大家6•28齊創SDG世界紀錄

天主教香港教區跳繩同樂日創SDG世界紀錄活動 Read More »

Harvard Book Prize

Harvard University is one of the most prestigious and influential institutions in the United States. Over the centuries, it has cultivated a rich legacy of academic excellence, groundbreaking research, and influential leaders across a wide range of fields. Notable Harvard alumni include eight U.S. presidents, as well as renowned figures like Bill Gates, and Yo-Yo

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第二次家長義工聚會 Read More »

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