

學校運動會雖然已經結束,但大家對該兩天所發生的事情又有多少印象呢? 在比賽場上,健兒們認真作賽,各社員就在場邊吶喊助威;跑班際接力時,各班同學都在歡呼大叫,鼓勵班代表努力為班爭光;亦都有同學即使筋疲力竭到腳抽筋,仍然堅持要落場為班跑接力;每一位同學都朝著同一個目標而來—-就是為自己的團隊爭光。其實,我們都有屬於自己的團體,而在團體中會有著相同的信念和目標,在過程中會互相支持和努力,我們會以團隊的利益為先、我們會為它付出、講求負責任、願意為團隊發展與成員交流溝通,這些正好反映了若我們對團體的信任和歸屬感,希望用自己的力量使它變得更好。 要令團隊合作得好,在乎我們如何作出配合,而你又覺得自己可以在團隊中擔任什麼的角色呢?你又願意為你的團隊付出幾多呢?希望大家都能盡己之力,樂意為所屬的團體付出。 Ms Lam WY 2 May 2024

The theme of this month is faithfulness, and we would like to share a story in the Bible about Abraham, which is a good example of showing faithfulness while bringing you a deeper understanding of this topic today. Imagine that you are called by God one day, and he asks you to leave where you

From Genesis chapters 6 to 8, we learn about the story of Noah, who is described as a righteous man who lived during a time of widespread wickedness and corruption in the world. God chose Noah to build an ark and save his family, as well as pairs of every kind of living creature, from

I believe by now, you all have a good understanding of what the word ‘diligence’ means; but have you taken the time to reflect on what diligence truly means to you as a student, or as a person?   In these few years, because of my school responsibilities, I’ve had more chances to talk to

Today, I would like to address an important upcoming event—Parents’ Day. This Saturday holds great significance for all students, as it provides an opportunity to sit together with your teachers and parents, reflecting upon your academic journey in the first term. It is a time to assess your progress, celebrate your achievements, and identify areas

Let’s start our morning sharing with a question. Do you know who’s the first person that received two Nobel Prizes? Here’s a hint: this person was awarded Nobel Prizes in two different scientific fields. Any idea? The answer is: Marie Curie. She was awarded the Nobel Prize in Physics in 1903, along with her husband

During the Lunar New Year, I wonder how many red packets have you received? It has become a custom to exchange greetings with people and then hope to receive a red packet in return. But does that mean we only bless others in order to receive tangible rewards?   Blessing is actually an important thing

We are becoming the season of Lent. It’s the first week. And during Lent, it’s a time for repentance, prayer, and fasting. It’s a time to reach out to others and do good.   This is a challenge all of us face, I would like to share a story with you about one man who

Good morning teachers and Shungtakians. Today is the first school day after the 2-week Chinese New Year holiday.  May the Year of the Dragon be filled with opportunities and blessings. Hard work and motivation are two essential factors for success in any endeavor. They go hand in hand and play a significant role in achieving

As the interim examination has already begun, I would like to take this opportunity to emphasize the significance of integrity in the examination process.   Amidst the exam period, many of you may be solely focused on achieving satisfactory grades or feeling overwhelmed by the pressure. Understandably, integrity may not be at the forefront of

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