Music and Hymns: our Way to God Agnes Ho 3L
As we entered St Jerome Church in Tin Shui Wai, a sense of peace came over us. The website of the church describes the feelings of those who enter the church as those of ‘experiencing a rich variety of patterns which will lead to the experience of the mysteries of both the Old and New Testaments, especially the signs as recounted in Revelation, in which are represented the main mysteries as revealed by God.’ This is where we, Catholic Society members and friends were on the 17th of October. It was here where we joined together to enjoy a mini concert, put on by the St. Jerome Church choir. Voices came together in perfect unison to sing hymns of praise.
For me, the most impressive hymn of that concert was ‘What are you seeking for’. As I was enjoying this beautiful hymn, I was reflecting on my life and what I was seeking for. It was a time for me to think exactly about what I have already found and what I am still looking for and where to find these things. It was a time to give thanks too for all my blessings. Hymns certainly brought a huge wave of gratitude over me, gratitude for what I have been given by God.
It is said that singing hymns equals to doubling our prayer. Singing is that powerful so if you don’t know how to pray to God, sing a hymn and in so doing you have already found a gateway to communicate with God.