Sharing by 6J Isabella Wong
S.6 Prayer Service is more than just a gathering before the release of DSE results. It puts a full stop to our secondary school life. DSE 2022 is an unprecedented challenge. It sprinkled more uncertainty, self-doubt and isolation on the path to the future. In the past few years, we met each other through the blurry webcams more than in real life. However, facing a common enemy kept us even more united. We had a strong sense that we are all in this together and we are never alone. We have embodied the lyrics of the school song, ‘By learning, by loving, by helping each other as children beloved of God our father’.
For one last time as Shungtakians, we gather together both physically and spiritually at the Prayer Service. The blessings bestowed upon us by Dr Tang, Father Li, teachers and schoolmates act as a reminder – the world might be variable, but the memories made and the values upheld shall never change. A full stop is put at the end of a sentence but it also signifies the beginning of the next sentence. Today, we wave goodbye to Shung Tak and take what the school has taught and given us to face challenges in the new chapter of life boldly.