By 4L Spring Fong 21st of April, was a day to be looked forward to for us in the Fourth Form. It was the day of the bible drama competition. All 4 classes spared no efforts on trying their best to present the reworked and modernized stories in the bible through drama. It was no doubt to say the competition was a memorable experience to all of us. We spent more than a month preparing for the competition, the lines of the characters, the costumes, the amazing effects, etc. Throughout the whole process, we learnt how to cooperate well, how to present stories through dramas, and of course, the moral values behind the bible stories like how to show love to others and how to be considerate of others. Despite some failures, like forgetting the lines or having some minor conflicts, we prevailed and every experience I would say, strengthened us. We did better and better and finally we brought our drams to the stage, to the audience. Learning the bible stories through drama is fun, inspiring, entertaining and of course educational. I could really feel the excitement when we were cheering for our friends and laughing as we watched hilarious scenes. The Bible Drama way of teaching is a golden opportunity to expose us to the Catholic religion and to Jesus. Rather than sitting in the classroom, having a different and more active way of learning like this in E&RE is effective in increasing our passion in learning.