By 2J Jeanie Lee & 2L Cheryl Lam The Opening Prayer Service was held on 4th September and Father Li, our school Supervisor, celebrated the Service with us. With God’s guidance and the help of our pastoral worker, Mr Mak, we were able to bring the Hall alive with prayer and hymns. The beginning of the year is important and as Father said in the homily “a good start is a half of the successes”. This message reminded me of a saying in a Chinese proverb, “plan a year in spring and plan a day in the morning.” Father encouraged us to reflect on what we are planning to do in the coming academic year and very importantly too, we need to start every one of our school days with morning prayer. Apart from planning, Father also pointed out that action speaks louder than words. It is important to execute the plan as this alone can lead to success. He then reminded us of the school motto pointing to the banner at the back of the school hall, “Pray and Work”. At the end, Father also said, ‘a bad start is also the other half of the successes.’ To get that success, however, we need to realise that this start was not a good one. Afterall, it is true that we can have also bad starts but we must remember that with strong faith in God, we can all be successful. We need to be willing to change. With the grace of God and His and the continued guidance of Ss. Peter and Paul, we look forward to a wonderful year ahead especially since it also marks the year when our 65th Anniversary would be kicked off.