28th November, 2022 marked the 64th anniversary of our school! The Founders Day of this year was a great success and we thank all of you who had contributed!
In the morning, we had our ceremony where our School Supervisor Reverend Li Chi Yuen Simon, School Manager Sr. Michelle, Parent Manager Ms. Yip Wai Yin Angela, Chairperson of STC Parent Teacher Association Mr. Book Chun Yuen Ronald, the representative of STC Alumni Association Mr. Chung Ping Sang Henry, former Supervisor and Principal Mr. Malcolm Long and our Former Vice-Principal Mr. Choy Bing Ling were invited. All the guests and Shungtakians prayed for the school and also sang ‘Happy Birthday’ for the school together.
In order to celebrate this special event, two ice-cream trucks were arranged for all shungtakians. We would also like to take this opportunity to give special thanks to the Alumni Association and the Parent Teacher Association of Shung Tak for their kind sponsorship of the birthday cake and the ice-cream for students. This is surely one of the most unforgettable moments of the year!
Our Student-Teacher Fun Game was another highlight after the ceremony. We had 13 groups with more than a hundred participants! Two small games—a mix of musical chairs and scavenger hunt, and also water war—were held, and they were equally exciting! Everyone had a lot of fun during the activity. After all, 6P won the event and the second runner-up was 6M. In this event, Shungtakians and their teachers cherished this opportunity to have their memorable time together while enjoying the games. With the sound of photos snapping and students’ cheering, the celebration of The Founders day had marked an end.
Students’ Union – Hestiuz Please refer to: https://www.stc.edu.hk/home/foundersday2022/