A “Warm” Welcome to Secondary One Schoolmates 4L Andy Huang We are excited to announce the great success of the Secondary One Orientation Day held on August 29, 2023. As the mercury soared to a sizzling 30 degrees Celsius on that day, we extended a “warm” welcome to all our Secondary One schoolmates. The heat did nothing but boost, if not fuel, their enthusiasm and energy as they engaged in a series of activities organized by students from the Leadership Training Programme. All was aimed to introduce our newcomers to the vibrant life at our school and foster connections among their fellow schoolmates. The event kicked off with a Welcome Speech by our principal, Dr Cecilia Tang. She emphasized the importance of self-regulated learning, trust, care, excellence, and commitment (STCEC) in the students’ coming school life at secondary school. Following the speech, the S1 students took part in a guidance session which helped them better prepare for their time in Shung Tak. They also had the opportunity to learn more about the Students’ Union and our Houses, where they met their House Captains and chanted our traditional slogan of ‘Hip, hip, hurray!’. With the guidance of senior students, the S1 students then engaged in mass games before they embarked on an exciting 1.5-hour-long school hunt. During the hunt, they completed different tasks on each floor to gather all the pieces of the puzzle, while the senior students provided brief introductions to the school facilities. Not only did the S1 students gain a better understanding of our school, but they also experienced the vibrant campus atmosphere of Shung Tak. It was all worth the sweat! We hope they will enjoy the school life in Shung Tak. Of course, besides the joy and excitement, let us not forget our school motto, “Ora et Labora”, meaning ‘work and pray’. With this motto in mind, we eagerly anticipate a fruitful and promising school year ahead.