By 4J Jacky Zhang
After a year and a half of nurturing, the Easter Vigil on 30th of March was a very special day for us, the students in Youth Catechism Cass, as we received the sacraments of initiation into the Catholic Church. This initiation includes baptism, confirmation, and first Holy Communion. This experience of becoming a Catholic is now a part of who I am and is indeed deeply etched in my memory. I started attending weekly faith group meetings organized by the school when I was a S.3 student. Our Catholic teachers have been dedicated in teaching us about the Catholic faith in class.
Through games and sharing sessions, we learned the teachings of the Church in an engaging and lively atmosphere. We also had local pilgrimage activities that allowed us to experience and understand firsthand that God’s love is always with us, silently waiting for our response. I have had moments of doubt in my faith before, but I later realized that when I distanced myself from God, I became increasingly confused and lost in all aspects of life, sometimes even to the point of lacking motivation and purpose. However, when I made an effort to become closer to and understand God, my faith became stronger, and I gained a clearer understanding of the purpose of my existence in this world. Since Jesus was willing to endure suffering out of love for us, I should hold onto faith and hope in God, and eagerly learn His teachings. Thanks to all the Catholic teachers who have dedicated their time and effort to nurture our faith.
I hope that in our pursuit of virtue and learning, each and every one of us in Shung Tak can discover the specific mission and calling that God has bestowed upon us, and become beloved children of God, finding true joy in life.