2J Jamie Cheng
After a lovely summer holiday, we returned to school on 2nd September which started with our Opening Prayer Service in which I served as a helper leading the hymns. Fr. Vince To Kwan-yau from the Institute of the Incarnate Word was the celebrant of the opening prayer service. Our acting Supervisor, Sr Michelle, also shared the morning with us. During the Service, we prayed for a successful start to the school year. Sr. Michelle led a special morning prayer, which I would share at the end of this article. I was touched when listening to the prayer.
Later, Dr. Tang introduced the school’s major concerns and the values she hoped we would embrace during our time here. She also reminded us ‘The best way out is always through.’ This phrase helped calm my nerves, as I felt anxious about the new challenges I would face in this academic year. Afterwards, Fr. Vince delivered a powerful homily. The most memorable quote for me was when he said, ‘If you are studying very well, it shows that you are a great student. However, it doesn’t mean that you are a great person because a great person should possess virtues.’ His words resonated deeply with me, and I learned a great deal from his message. I realized that while we often focus on our studies and grades, he reminded us that virtues such as kindness and honesty are what truly define a good person—and, ideally, a saint. O God, create is us a loving spirit.
When I have food, help me to remember the hungry. When I have a home, help me to remember the homeless.
When I have the opportunity to study and receive a good education, Help me to remember the many children who cannot go to school.
When I have work, help me to remember the unemployed. When I experience peace, help me to reach out to the displaced, immigrants and asylum seekers.
When I am enfolded by the beauty of creation, help me to respect and defend the earth against destruction.
When I am without pain, and have good health, help me to remember those who suffer Convert my complacency into compassion,
My narrow-mindedness into a listening heart. To be concerned enough to reach out to others, through words of comfort and appropriate actions.
Help me to dialogue peacefully with those who do not think like me. And, to be in solidarity with those who cry out, for what we take for granted.