The Shung Tak Alumni Education Foundation

Established on 15th September 2021, the Shung Tak Alumni Education Foundation is an entity that has been accorded legal status as a charity as it fulfils the purposes which are exclusively charitable by law under the Hong Kong Inland Revenue Department as stipulated in the document Tax Guide for Charitable Institutions and Trust of Public Character (September 2021) which can be viewed online at

Purpose and Background of the Foundation

Since 1965, the Shung Tak Catholic English College Alumni Association (STCAA) has endeavoured to facilitate the partnership and communication between the alumni and our alma mater in a variety of ways. These have ranged from career sharing sessions with students to internships at companies; from offering architectural and planning advice to the co-planning of Annual Dinners; from helping individual students with financial needs to providing scholarships to outstanding students; and many, many, other instances over the years.

Many donations thus far have been made by alumni to support teaching and learning. Funds have allowed for the better utilisation of the school campus through school improvement projects.  STCAA has sponsored conversion work which made possible a Heritage Room, a Multi-Purpose Room 117 and a Lecture Theatre. Major refurbishment works included the installation of a large window in the Library giving more light to the area, and the School’s General Office. In addition to this, in the nine years between 2010 and 2023, STCAA has presented scholarships worth over HK$1.3 million. All these contributions greatly benefit past, present, and future Shungtakians.

With donations in excess of HK$10 million, here are some other large-scale installation improvement projects that the STCAA has proudly contributed to:
- the LED spotlight installation on the Open Playground which provides better lighting for evening activities; 
- the installation of air-conditioners in the Rooftop Activity Room, the Covered-Playground, the School Hall, the General Staff Room, and the Multi-Purpose Room 117; and
- the installation of two large-scale LED panels in the School Hall and in Multi-Purpose Room 117.

As the STCAA would continue offering financial contributions and support to the School in the future, the STCAA resolved to set up the Shung Tak Alumni Education Foundation. After four years of preparation and applications to the authorities, in September 2021, the Inland Revenue Department announced the recognition of the Foundation and exempted it from tax as a charitable institution.

The Board of the Foundation comprises of the following posts. The nine people currently, as of 24th February 2023, holding these posts has been included for reference:
1. The Supervisor of Shung Tak Catholic English College (Rev Li Chi Yuen, Simon)
2. The Principal of Shung Tak Catholic English College (Dr Tang Sui Sim, Cecilia)
3. Alumnus (Dr Leung Fung Sun, Peter)
4. Alumnus (Dr Li Po Shan, John)
5. Alumnus (Mr Tai Yiu Wah, Robert BBS MH JP)
6. Chairman of Shung Tak Catholic English College Alumni Association (Mr Tang Yiu Wing, Adolf)
7. Vice-Chairman of Shung Tak Catholic English College Alumni Association (Mr Chan Wai Chi, Gordon)
8. Parent Manager of the Incorporated Management Committee (Ms Yip Wai Yin)
9. Teacher Manager of the Incorporated Management Committee (Ms Wong Suk Mei)


- 於球場安裝LED射燈,為晚上活動提供更佳照明;
- 翻新校史室、117多用途室、圖書館、演講室、校務處;
- 於天台活動室、雨天操場、禮堂、教員室及117多用途室安裝冷氣機;及
- 於禮堂及117多用途室安裝大型LED 屏幕。


1. 天主教崇德英文書院校監(李志源神父)
2. 天主教崇德英文書院校長(鄧瑞嬋博士)
3. 校友(梁逢申醫生)
4. 校友(李保珊醫生)
5. 校友(戴耀華先生BBS MH JP)
6. 天主教崇德英文書院校友會主席(鄧耀榮先生)
7. 天主教崇德英文書院校友會副主席(陳偉志大律師)
8. 天主教崇德英文書院法團校董會家長校董(葉慧妍女士)
9. 天主教崇德英文書院法團校董會教師校董(黃淑微老師)

Message from the Committee

Shung Tak is celebrating its 65th birthday kicking off in November 2023 and a number of activities are on the way which the AA is proud to be a part of. Only with the participation and generous donations from all Shungtakians – alumni, parents, teachers, and students alike – would the Foundation be able to continue to provide valuable support to our alma mater. And it is with this in mind that the Foundation is organising a fundraiser campaign. We look forward to and thank you in advance for your support!
2023年為崇德建校六十五週年,學校已開始籌備一連串慶祝活動,本會亦同時展開籌款工作。本會謹此呼籲所有崇德人——包括校友、家長、老師及師弟師妹們——慷慨解囊,為回饋母校出一分力。如蒙   樂助,無任感荷!

Fundraising Events

STC’s 65th Anniversary Fundraising Drive Letter and Form